Integrating our API

This API provides a robust solution for integrating off-ramp payment processing capabilities into your application. With comprehensive support for payments, receivers, and bank accounts, our API enables developers to manage the entire off-ramp payment process efficiently.

Skyline Digital provides two environments to facilitate integration:

  1. Production Environment: Use the production API for real-world applications and live transactions. The base URL for production is:

  2. Sandbox Environment: The sandbox environment is designed for development and testing purposes. Use this environment to test your application without affecting real data. The base URL for the sandbox is:

This documentation provides detailed information on each API endpoint, including example requests, responses, and possible error codes. Developers can reference this material to guide them through the integration process and ensure seamless interaction with our API.

Feel free to explore the documentation and utilize the full potential of our API in your application. If you encounter any issues or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out at our telegram.

Last updated